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Block & Full-Length Strategies: Preparing for Success on Standardized Exams Stage 4 of 4

This home stretch of your standardized exam preparation is where you’ll bring together all the skills you’ve been honing thus far, along with a few new strategies I’ll introduce, to focus on increasing both your full-length practice exam confidence and, ultimately, scores.

As you transition into the final stage of your standardized exam preparation, it is necessary to once again shift your mindset. Let go of both the need to maximize the learning from every question you take, and, instead, focus on maximizing your score in every timed practice block that you take.

Your first mission: seek and destroy the questions you’re most likely to get correct.

Lifelong Learning Companions: Harnessing Machine Learning for Adaptive Education

Meet Mia.

She wakes up to a gentle voice reminding her that her online seminar in Creative Writing starts in 30 minutes. As she’s brushing her teeth, her AI assistant – an advanced machine learning-driven entity, we’ll call it ‘Aimee’ – quickly revises the main points of her last lesson, projecting them on the bathroom mirror.

Mia is not a school student; she is a successful architect. Her lifelong learning companion, Aimee, has been with her since her early school years, continuously adapting to her evolving learning needs and interests. Twenty years ago, Mia decided to learn creative writing to pen down her architectural experiences in a blog. Now here she is, effortlessly balancing her profession and passion, thanks to Aimee’s meticulous guidance.

Pacing & Endurance: Preparing for Success on Standardized Exams Stage 3 of 4

A key aspect to getting yourself up to speed with the pace needed for Test Day is not giving yourself a lot of wiggle room. Taking long quizzes in which you don’t get to and appropriately approach a large number of questions won’t apply the same pressure you’ll feel when attempting to complete 3-5 question quizzes within the time limit.

Practice moving forward with your predictions more quickly and confidently; now is the appropriate time for making mistakes and learning from them. Waffling between answer choices and changing answer choices frequently will make it more difficult for future you to remember what you picked this time.

Practice-Based Learning: Preparing for Success on Standardized Exams Stage 2 of 4

Few things in an academic’s life cause as much trepidation and self-doubt as a high-stakes standardized exam. In Stage 1 – Capturing Core Concepts, I went over how to build a solid foundation of knowledge and framework of interrelated ideas. However, knowledge alone isn’t enough to ensure success.

As you work your way up the rungs of the academic ladder, the exams become increasingly challenging by skewing away from knowledge-based questions and towards reasoning-based questions. Successfully navigating these exams oftentimes requires applying the knowledge you’ve gained to novel situations.

Eye on the Future: Biometrics in Education

Over the past few years, I’ve seen more and more biometric technologies become integrated into home tech. Scan my fingerprint instead of making me type in a password? Cool. If getting my screen to accept my fingerprint is a hassle, it’ll scan my face instead? Sure, as long as it works better. Voice-recognition so I don’t even have to touch…

Capturing Core Concepts: Preparing for Success on Standardized Exams Stage 1 of 4

Before you worry about taking full-length exams, or even practicing test-like questions, it’s important to start with a review of the core concepts covered by the exam. The best place to start is the exam maker’s website, which will have a document detailing what concepts will potentially be tested on the exam, as well as links to free and low-cost resources. If your preference is instead a published set of test prep books or review videos from a third-party company, then now would be the time to purchase ONE and go through it in its entirety.

Your first mission: make sure that it makes sense.

Aim High, Score Higher: Planning for a Standardized Exam

To mentally prepare yourself for success on a standardized exam, you’ll first want to have an end-goal in mind. Answering for yourself, “Am I ready to take the real thing?” largely comes down to knowing whether your practice scores are competitive, and feeling like you’ll do about as well as you ever will.

You can best accomplish this by setting an appropriate Goal Score for Test Day. However, this is not as simple as picking a high number and hoping for the best. This number should be customized to you. I assist my students with this process by breaking it into these 5 Questions.